Software Engineering Blog

Tipps und Tricks aus dem Leben eines Systemadministrators.

Why git squash merges are bad

It's been a long time since my last block entry. Studying and being part of a research project at the same time does not leave much space for writing. However what I discovered during some years of daily software development is that many - even senior - software developers are not familiar with the workflow of git.

Disclaimer: If you are not familiar with git at all, read this article first:

So, back to topic:

Using Github's squash merge feature seems to be perfect to transform a wast amount of commits made during development of a feature into one single and tidy one. However this only holds in theory due to the following show-stoppers:

  • all changes are owned by the member who merges
  • complete loss of history

The first point is especially problematic if multiple authors committed to the same branch. Later on it is very useful to check who implemented a line of code by using git blame. With squash merges this is not possible anymore!

squeezing code through CI

A common pro argument for squash merges arises from the antipattern of having many small commits which countermand each other. This often happens if developers try to get their changes through an online CI provider registered as a post-commit hook on Github. However this problem can easily be lessened by using a different test-branch (which can be safely deleted afterwards). There, you can play around and use the CI to verify your implementation. If CI passes, simply go to your feature branch and use git checkout <test-branch> -- path/to/file to copy the changes to your feature branch. Then, commit and push the feature branch. Hopefully CI will pass now.

additional tricks

If you are the only developer on this branch, you can safely use git reset --soft to reset the commit log to a previous version, while keeping the changes in your working copy. After committing them, you have to use git push -f to force update the remote branch. NEVER do this if anyone else has pulled your branch. However I do not recommend this workflow!

clean commit history

So if you are really interested in a nice and clean commit history (which I desire), follow this recommendations:

  • think before committing
  • test before committing
  • use a combination of git cherry-pick and git checkout to combine multiple commits on another branch


It's not the job ob Github to cleanup a ugly commit history. When implementing new features, do your work, but never "own" commits of other developers. After you have finished your the implementation, make a pull request, assign a reviewer which you think is capable of validating your changes and assign yourself as "assignee".



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